PPC Trends to Keep an Eye on in 2021

 Who better to forecast the most recent PPC trends?

Continue reading to learn about the top 2021 trends

believes will influence Pay Per Click advertising in the following year.

1. Less Data

Google Ads made a change in 2020 that allowed marketers to see less search query data

 in their reports — we've noticed a 30 percent -35 percent reduction in search query data 

since that adjustment. 

Furthermore, websites must have far stricter cookie rules in place

and need users to approve their policies to track their marketing activity, 

such as how they interact with a website using Google Analytics.

What does this mean?

Advertisers have less visibility into the search queries and behaviour of users. 

This means making judgments based on less data,

 which means advertising will have to be more adaptable.

2. Automation

This is something that happens every year, and it will happen again in 2021. 

Advertisers will need to rely more on automation, 

as long as they have the proper conversion set up that focuses on high-quality leads 

(e.g. measure conversions for inquiry forms rather than a link click)

otherwise, platforms will optimize across the board. 

In addition, due to the decrease inaccessible data,

 advertisers will rely more on bid automation or smart campaigns.

3. Ad Formats and Messaging

Google will phase out enlarged text advertising in 2021 

and transition to responsive search ads. 

With so many ad possibilities available in this ad format,

 advertisers must utilize the appropriate message to captivate their target audience.

RSAs (responsive search ads) and DSAs (dynamic search advertising) 

are becoming more popular, and in many situations, 

we are seeing that they outperform traditional ad formats, 

thus moving to them may increase important metrics such as CTR, CPC, and conversions.

4. Ecommerce Growth

Because of the COVID-19 epidemic and the subsequent lockdown 

in nations throughout the world, people will have to rely on internet purchases in 2020. 

We on-boarded three firms last year that had established

 online businesses during shutdown and had had tremendous success

 by advertising their websites through Google Shopping – and we expect this to continue in 2021.

This may boost competition for advertising space with more marketers and perhaps increase

 click prices, although buying intent is considerably higher online these days.

5. Mobile

Even though having a mobile website is critical, there are still sites that do not have one in 2021! 

It is a ranking element, and providing a great user experience implies

 that consumers will spend more time on your site and are more likely to convert. 

Conversions on mobile have been increasing year after year, 

and this trend expected to continue in 2021, therefore having a strong mobile site is essential!


Our PPC team is prepared and ready to take on 2021, with all of its challenges and possibilities! 

If you want to obtain their experience for your PPC campaigns,

We Nummero are the best digital marketing agency in Bangalore.


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