Best Practices for Code Review


Code reviews are crucial because they enhance the quality of your code and make it more stable. 

They also assist programmers in forming relationships and collaborating more efficiently.

However, evaluating the code of a peer is more difficult than it appears.

 Not to mention the fact that coordinating a review process may be a headache for team leaders. 

As a result, we'll go through what to look for in a code review, how to conduct a code review and the nine best practices for code review.

Code Review Best Practices

  1. What to Look for in a Code Review

It's critical to know what to look for in a code review before starting one. 

Look for important details, such as.

Structure. Style. Logic. Performance.

 Coverage of the tests. Design. comprehensibility. Functionality.

Some of the things, such as structure and logic, may be checked automatically.

 Others, such as design and usefulness, necessitate the use of a human reviewer.

Reviewing code with specific queries in mind might assist you in focusing on the most important aspects. 

You may, for example, evaluate code to answer:

  • Do I have a good understanding of what the code does?

  • Is the code how I expected it to be?

  • Is this code in compliance with the law?

  1. Build and Test — Before Code Review

It's critical to build and test before performing a manual review in today's era of Continuous Integration (CI). 

You should do a review and push it to the dev code line when the tests have passed.

This guarantees that the system remains stable.

 Furthermore, doing automated tests initially will reduce mistakes and save time throughout the review process.

3. Don’t Review Code For Longer Than 60 Minutes

Never review for more than 60 minutes in a single sitting.

After then, performance and attention to detail tend to deteriorate. 

It's ideal to do evaluations regularly (and in short sessions).

Taking a pause will allow your brain to recharge.

 As a result, you'll be able to go over everything again with fresh eyes.

4. Check No More Than 400 Lines at a Time

You're less likely to uncover bugs if you try to evaluate too many lines of code at once.

Each review session should be limited to 400 lines or fewer. 

Setting a line-of-code (LOC) restriction is just as essential as setting a time limit for the same reasons.

It guarantees that while you're evaluating the code, you're at your best.

5. Give Feedback That Helps (Not Hurts)

Instead of being critical, try to be constructive in your remarks. 

Instead of making assertions, you may achieve this by asking questions. 

Also, remember to provide appreciation in addition to constructive criticism.

Giving comments (or even conducting your evaluation) in person will help you convey in the appropriate tone.

What are the elements of secure code review?

The following are the essential elements of a good secure code review:

  • A review that is both manual and automated

  • Collaboration, which includes knowledge sharing and lessons learned

  • Before merging the code, a review of metrics conducted to assist eliminate bugs and policy violations.


For the past few years, code review has been the most trusted code quality method. 

It appears to be going on for a long time. 

However, due to a shortage of time and people, the usage of Automated Code Review technologies is on the rise.

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